Punchcard Economy at FACT


The finished Punchcard Economy knitted banner is now installed at FACT as part of the Time & Motion exhibition.

Some facts about the banner:

  • It measures 5m x 3m
  • It was intended to measure 4.6m x 2.7 m. Clearly the standard tension sq for a 10cmx10cm sample has margin for error at that scale.
  • It is constructed of 9 columns, each with 1270 knitted rows, plus hems
  • The end columns measure 117 stitches per row, and the middle columns 168 stitches per row
  • Thats 1,790,700 stitches altogether
  • The design contains 221 weeks worth of data from 116 participants
  • Thats 5304 hours / stitches to make the basic info-graphic pattern repeat


A huge thankyou to everyone who contributed to the design by logging their hours.

Many thanks also to Iris for showing me how to knit, Tim for documenting the process, Hannah for finishing the final hems, and to Castlefield Gallery for providing me with space to knit

Thanks also to Mark and Andy for installing it today, to Mike, Ana, Emily and Lesley at FACT for supporting the idea so enthusiastically, and to Rob at Interconnect IT for sorting out this cracking website.

Special thanks to Davi Post and his IMG2Track software & tutorial that made it possible to develop the design digitally and send it to the 950i

Thankyou also to Arts Council and National Lottery England for supporting this work and the broader Knitting Digital research project.

The banner will be on display at FACT as part of the TIME & MOTION show until March.