Machine knit group #03 – illegal tension squares


This week we again looked at tension squares with a view to working out how you would go about knitting a 30cm cushion cover. We also learnt a new tip for noting the tension dial setting within the knitting itself – by simply transferring stitches across to leave the requisite number of holes in the swatch. For example, if a sqatch has been knitted on a tension dial seeting of 8 and 2 notches, then you would transfer 8 stitches across, followed by a gap, and then another 2 stitches. Handy.


We also had visits from the local community coppers – who had heard about some illegal knitting machine hacking going down and also rumours of cheap nasty yarns being sold under the counter. They came and inspected Terry’s work and were suitably impressed.

And Betty Corrie also popped by with Calamity Jane –  a knitted doll created by Terry and clothed by Betty herself – including tiny spurs.